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Teaching Effectiveness


We have compiled this exemplar collection for instructors who wish to watch examples of the teaching effectiveness criteria included in the class observation form.

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Exemplar Collection

Student Rapport/Engagement

Relationships with students are caring, positive, and professional and promote learning and active participation; Constructive feedback is given and redirection that is needed is encouraging and effective. Body language and interactions are perceptive and friendly.

Japanese 4

Student is seen speaking in Japanese and when she doesn’t know a word (tourist attraction), the instructor lets her finish her thought and provides feedback on the unknown word.

Spanish 1

Student and instructor are making small talk at the beginning of the lesson. The instructor makes personalized comments and asks questions about something the student had mentioned they were going to do over the weekend. This personalized attention and positive attitude builds rapport.

French 3

Instructor and student are seen making small talk, discussing getting a haircut and setting a positive and comfortable mood for the rest of the lesson.

Mandarin 6

Instructor greets the student enthusiastically and you can tell how well she knows the student. They engage in small conversation and eventually she ties it to the topic of today´s class. She uses target language and TPR to try to continue using it and encourage the student to communicate in Target language.

Personalized Instruction

The lesson is learner-centered with needs, abilities, and interests of students considered individually when delivering instruction. Differentiated teaching strategies are employed to help students achieve success.

German 5

Instructor is heard saying that she’s prepared something about the Weimar Republic for the student who was interested in learning about it. The student is very interested in history and Sophia delves into the regional history of Germany with him

Communicative Approach

Class is focused on communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities. There is comprehensible input, a learner-centered approach, meaningful interaction in context, a focus on form, and opportunities to communicate. The student uses target language and is encouraged to speak/sign in target language throughout class. 

Spanish 1

Instructor is allowing the student ample opportunities to communicate in the target language. Because this is a low level, the instructor provides excellent scaffolding to encourage target language use. Also, the instructor uses the target language the majority of the time.

Spanish 2

Instructor uses images to motivate teh student to create a story using the vocabulary reviewed in class. the Intructor asks questions to motivate the student add more details to his story.

Korean 1

Instructor and students are speaking strictly in the target language. The instructor provides scaffolding to the student with a formula that can be easily followed and with on-screen vocab with visual aids. Towards the end, the instructor provides clarification on the concept to ensure comprehension.

Lesson Implementation

Appropriate balance of structured and open-ended activities that were clear, creative, effective, and met objectives. The content and assessments are in line with the course syllabus and Can-Do Statements and ACTFL. Evidence of flexibility within lesson based on student’s understanding of content.

French 3

Instructor and student work through closed activities based on a video/reading of a fairy tale. The instructor shows flexibility in scaffolding responses based on student’s ability.

Spanish 4

In the first exercise, the instructor asks the student to recognize the subjunctive and the phrases that trigger it. Then, the student creates their own sentences. This is a great way of combining closed and open-ended tasks in the same activity. The following activity engages the student asking them to share about their personal life (what do their parents ask of them), enhancing the relevance of the subjunctive that is taught in context. The instructor provides excellent scaffolding throughout with a conjugation table of the subjunctive for all three verb classes. The activities are focused on communication rather than memorization.

Class Resources

Instructor uses software and online resources, visuals, and authentic and hands-on activities to enhance the delivery of instruction and to increase student engagement and mastery of objectives. 

Spanish 1

The instructor is presenting a game that asks the student to match the profession to its corresponding image by dragging and dropping. This is a great way to engage a student in their own learning and works great for visual learners.

Spanish 1

The instructor is seen sharing a jeopardy game for simple vocabluary in Spanish, explaining how to play, and asking the student if he can read/understand the categories. This is a good example of gamification.

Spanish 2

The instructor uses her own health card to show the student and discuss health insurance in Colombia and procedes to ask about it in USA.

Homework Quality

Assigned homework is tailored to student’s interests and needs, is meaningful, and is modified, based on the class, as needed.

Spanish 2

Instructor provides 3 options for homework related to the lesson. Allows the student to choose which one he prefers to work on.

French 3

Instructor assigns meaningful homework asking the student to create by writing her own fairy tale. This comes after engaging with a few fairy tales and learning about how to write them using connectors and plot progression. The instructor allows for choice and tells the student they can also choose to write a resume instead.

Formative Assessment

Instructor collects evidence of learning during class and adjusts instruction and/or remediates learning based on this evidence.

Japanese 4

Instructor is shown guiding the student through exercises that recap concepts that have been covered, offering direct and immediate feedback. In this way, the instructor is collecting evidence of successful learning and areas for improvement.

French 4

Instructor is shown guiding the student through exercises that recap concepts that have been covered, offering direct and immediate feedback. In this way, the instructor is collecting evidence of successful learning and areas for improvement.

Italian 1

Instructor has shared an excellent activity to formatively assess vocabulary that has been introduced through videos. The student matches the words to the objects in an image of a classroom, while the instructor provides just-in-time feedback.

Project Guidance

Instructor possesses the knowledge base to effectively meet the breadth and depth of the curriculum.

French 1

Instructor is introducing the timeline for the semester project, explaining how to work in increments and share drafts. This ensures that expectations are known well in advance and that the student has ample time to receive feedback.